Pragmatic or Enigmatic

In fact, the article says it to be ‘Enigma’…. I don’t see anything enigmatic in it because we have forgotton our fundamentals and it’s very clear. It’s time to get back to our fundamentals of engineering, fundamentals of developments and fundamentals of industrialization.
‘The enigma of
Indian engineering’ an article in Hindu forced me to come back on blog and
write something about it. (
The lines what I liked
the most or may be the bottom line of the article – ‘it
is not the lack of money that influences national poverty as ineffective
engineering that imposes crippling high costs for water, energy and other
essential services. Good engineering liberates human effort for social
developments such as governance, healthcare, education, social services and
even recreation’.
After I read
these lines the immediate thought that struck to me was – how paralyzed the current
Indian engineering is standing on weak pillars of service industries. When the
world economy is trembling down and trending topics of the country are
Presidential elections, Cricket, lifestyles, facebook etc etc, when are we going
to link infrastructure developments to daily life requirements by Engineering.
Now a days
engineering is considered to be a colorful certificate which can endorse a colorful
VISA stamp to fly to foregin countries. It is sad to see when Engineers are most
required to build the amenities of one’s country, they are being fled away or
infact lost to other countries. Currently India is thinking of increasing the
funds on Fundamental research from 0.1 % to 2% and I would say stop thinking
and just implement things which don’t need much thinking. We are so happy when
we compare ourselves to immediate neighboring countries and say that we are
better than them.
We are not ready
to accept the reality of the situation. It’s time to STOP doing this!!!! In fact, the article says it to be ‘Enigma’…. I don’t see anything enigmatic in it because we have forgotton our fundamentals and it’s very clear. It’s time to get back to our fundamentals of engineering, fundamentals of developments and fundamentals of industrialization.
Engineering in its education and application should be more robust because it is one of the most important link in building better India.